july 13,2018

July 13,2018 ,
    Today was a hard, but fun day, we went to Goose creek, and we met the guy named Tom Walker, he gave us a McCloud, that’s a tool I used to dig up the dirt, we were out digging for about three hours, but we took water breaks for about five minutes. We took a lunch break at noon for about a half an hour then we started digging again, the purpose for it was to revegetate one side of the lake again, because when they built the bridge, they basically killed all the vegetation, so we had to re-vegetate it again.
    After we where done re-vegetating, we left to go to lava butte and learned about the Newberry Volcano. It last erupted 7,000 years ago, they mentioned that it was the biggest volcano in Oregon. But scientists were pretty shocked when they found out mount bachelor was only 18,000 years old.
    When Newberry erupted it left red rocks, because they had iron inside. When we up to the fire finder look out station, we went up to the lookout, they told us that when you work at the lookout you have to memorize all the mountains around you.
    We went to go visit a bat cave that is 13 miles long but we only finished one mile. We didn’t get to see any bats, because the further we went into the cave the colder it got, and the bats don’t go that far into the cave, because of the coldness.


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